Tagged: jaraco.functools


Free Software Activities (2019-11)

TL;DR: Mostly a bunch of package sponsoring this month. :) 2019-11-11: Sponsor package python-tempora (1.14.1-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2019-11-11: Sponsor package python-jaraco.functools (2.0-2) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2019-11-11: Review package fpylll (Needs some more work)...

Table mountain from Blouberg beach 0

Free Software Activities (2019-10)

Bits and pieces AIMS Desktop talk: On the 1st of October I gave a talk at AIMS titled “Why AIMS Desktop?” where I talked about the Debian-based system we use at AIMS, and went into some detail about what Linux...