Tagged: bashtop


Free Software Activities for 2020-08

Debian packaging 2020-08-07: Sponsor package python-sabyenc (4.0.2-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2020-08-07: Sponsor package gpxpy (1.4.2-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2020-08-07: Sponsor package python-jellyfish (0.8.2-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2020-08-08: Sponsor package django-ipwire (3.0.0-1)...


bashtop, now in buster-backports

Recently, I discovered bashtop, yet another fancy top-like utility that’s mostly written in bash (it uses some python3-psutil and shells out to other common system utilities). I like its use of high-colour graphics and despite being written in bash, it’s...