DebConf24 – Busan, South Korea
I’m finishing typing up this blog entry hours before my last 13 hour leg back home, after I spent 2 weeks in Busan, South Korea for DebCamp24 and DebCamp24. I had a rough year and decided to take it easy...
I’m finishing typing up this blog entry hours before my last 13 hour leg back home, after I spent 2 weeks in Busan, South Korea for DebCamp24 and DebCamp24. I had a rough year and decided to take it easy...
I very, very nearly didn’t make it to DebConf this year, I had a bad cold/flu for a few days before I left, and after a negative covid-19 test just minutes before my flight, I decided to take the plunge...
It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that I’ve had a lot on my plate in the last few years, and that I have a *huge* backlog of little tasks to finish. Just last week, I finally got to all my...
Here’s a bunch of uploads for September. Mostly catching up with a few things after the Bullseye release. 2021-09-01: Upload package bundlewrap (4.11.2-1) to Debian unstable. 2021-09-01: Upload package calamares ( to Debian unstable. 2021-09-01: Upload package g-disk (1.0.8-2) to...
Here are some uploads for April. 2021-04-06: Upload package bundlewrap (4.7.1-1) to Debian unstable. 2021-04-06: Upload package calamares ( to Debian experimental. 2021-04-06: Upload package flask-caching (1.10.1-1) to Debian unstable. 2021-04-06: Upload package xabacus (8.3.5-1) to Debian unstable. 2021-04-06: Upload...
The last few weeks was really tough time-wise due to a whole bunch of personal things requiring attention. At least that is cooling down now, in the meantime, here’s last monght’s uploads (16 days late, yikes!). Hope everyone is doing...
Here’s a list of some Debian packaging work for December 2020. 2020-12-01: Sponsor package mangohud (0.6.1-1) for Debian unstable ( request). 2020-12-01: Sponsor package spyne (2.13.16-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2020-12-01: Sponsor package python-xlrd (1.2.0-1) for Debian unstable...
This month just went past way too fast, didn’t get to all the stuff I wanted to, but managed to cover many essentials (not even listed here) that I’ll cover in follow-up posts. In particular, highlights that I’m thankful for...
Another month, another bunch of uploads. The freeze for Debian 11 (bullseye) is edging closer, so I’ve been trying to get my package list in better shape ahead of that. Thanks to those who worked on fixing and the...
This month I started working on ways to make hosting access easier for Debian Developers. I also did some work and planning for the MiniDebConf Online Gaming Edition that we’ll likely announce within the next 1-2 days. Just a bunch...
Debian packaging 2020-08-07: Sponsor package python-sabyenc (4.0.2-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2020-08-07: Sponsor package gpxpy (1.4.2-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2020-08-07: Sponsor package python-jellyfish (0.8.2-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2020-08-08: Sponsor package django-ipwire (3.0.0-1)...
Here are my uploads for the month of July, which is just a part of my free software activities, I’ll try to catch up on the rest in upcoming posts. I haven’t indulged in online conferences much over the last...
Hmm, this is the latest I’ve posted my monthly updates yet (nearly by a month!). June was both crazy on the incoming side, and at the same time I just wasn’t that productive (at least since then I caught up...
I would say that this was a crazy month, but with everything ever escalating, does that even mean anything anymore? I lost track of tracking my activities in the second half of the month, and I’m still not very good...
Debian project leader This month contained the first week and a half or so of my term as Debian Project Leader. So far my focus has been getting up to speed and keeping the gears turning with day to day...
DPL Campaign 2020 On the 12th of March, I posted my self-nomination for the Debian Project Leader election. This is the second time I’m running for DPL, and you can read my platform here. The campaign period covered the second...