Tagged: Stellenbosch


Debconf 12 – Managua, Nicaragua

It’s the last day of Debconf 12 in Managua, it’s the first ever Debconf I’ve attended and it has been just awesome.    There’s so much I could talk about and it would take forever to put down, but here’s...


Ubuntu-ZA Cape Town Lucid Release Party

Saturday I attended the Ubuntu-ZA Stellenbosch/Cape Town release party. I’d say it’s the best one I’ve been to so far. Maia Grotepass (maiatoday) did a great job of organizing the event, providing the venue, organising a real good-looking Ubuntu branded...


Ubuntu-ZA Karmic Release Parties

For the Karmic release, Ubuntu-ZA had 4 release parties that took place in Stellenbosch, Cape Town, Pretoria and Brandford, that’s 4 release parties in the country for one release- a new record for our LoCo Team! I attended the Cape...