Debconf 12 – Managua, Nicaragua
It’s the last day of Debconf 12 in Managua, it’s the first ever Debconf I’ve attended and it has been just awesome. There’s so much I could talk about and it would take forever to put down, but here’s...
It’s the last day of Debconf 12 in Managua, it’s the first ever Debconf I’ve attended and it has been just awesome. There’s so much I could talk about and it would take forever to put down, but here’s...
Saturday I attended the Ubuntu-ZA Stellenbosch/Cape Town release party. I’d say it’s the best one I’ve been to so far. Maia Grotepass (maiatoday) did a great job of organizing the event, providing the venue, organising a real good-looking Ubuntu branded...
For the Karmic release, Ubuntu-ZA had 4 release parties that took place in Stellenbosch, Cape Town, Pretoria and Brandford, that’s 4 release parties in the country for one release- a new record for our LoCo Team! I attended the Cape...