Video Channel Updates

Last month, I started doing something that I’ve been meaning to do for years, and that’s to start a video channel and make some free software related videos.

I started out uploading to my YouTube channel which has been dormant for a really long time, and then last week, I also uploaded my videos to my own site, It’s a MediaDrop instance, a video hosting platform written in Python.

I’ll still keep uploading to YouTube, but ultimately I’d like to make my self-hosted site the primary source for my content. Not sure if I’ll stay with MediaDrop, but it does tick a lot of boxes, and if its easy enough to extend, I’ll probably stick with it. MediaDrop might also be a good platform for viewing the Debian meetings videos like the DebConf videos. 

My current topics are very much Debian related, but that doesn’t exclude any other types of content from being included in the future. Here’s what I have so far:

  • Video Logs: Almost like a blog, in video format.
  • Howto: Howto videos.
  • Debian Package of the Day: Exploring packages in the Debian archive.
  • Debian Package Management: Howto series on Debian package management, a precursor to a series that I’ll do on Debian packaging.
  • What’s the Difference: Just comparing 2 or more things.
  • Let’s Internet: Read stuff from Reddit, Slashdot, Quora, blogs and other media.

It’s still early days and there’s a bunch of ideas that I still want to implement, so the content will hopefully get a lot better as time goes on.

I have also quit Facebook last month, so I dusted off my old Mastodon account and started posting there again:

You can also subscribe to my videos via RSS:

Other than that I’m open to ideas, thanks for reading :)

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Jonathan,

    I’m loving your videos,

    your link to in the above article, actually points to your youtube channel.

    thanks for the great work!

  2. jonathan says:

    Weird, no idea how that happened. Fixed now, thanks!

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