Free Software Activities (2019-07)

DC19 Group Photo

Group photo above taken at DebConf19 by Agairs Mahinovs.

2019-07-03: Upload calamares-settings-debian (10.0.20-1) (CVE 2019-13179) to debian unstable.

2019-07-05: Upload calamares-settings-debian (10.0.25-1) to debian unstable.

2019-07-06: Debian Buster Live final ISO testing for release, also attended Cape Town buster release party.

2019-07-08: Sponsor package ddupdate (0.6.4-1) for debian unstable ( request, RFS: #931582)

2019-07-08: Upload package btfs (2.19-1) to debian unstable.

2019-07-08: Upload package calamares (3.2.11-1) to debian unstable.

2019-07-08: Request update for util-linux (BTS: #931613).

2019-07-08: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock (66-1) to debian unstable.

2019-07-08: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-multi-monitors (18-1) to debian unstable.

2019-07-08: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor (38-1) to debian unstable.

2019-07-08: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-tilix-dropdown (7-1) to debian unstable.

2019-07-08: Upload package python3-aniso8601 (7.0.0-1) to debian unstable.

2019-07-08: Upload package python-3-flask-restful (0.3.7-2) to debian unstable.

2019-07-08: Upload package xfce4-screensaver (0.1.6) to debian unstable.

2019-07-09: Sponsor package wordplay (8.0-1) ( request).

2019-07-09: Sponsor package blastem ( ( request) (Closes RFS: #931263).

2019-07-09: Upload gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock (50-1) to debian unstable.

2019-07-09: Upload bundlewrap (3.6.1-2) to debian unstable.

2019-07-09: Upload connectagram (1.2.9-6) to debian unstable.

2019-07-09: Upload fracplanet (0.5.1-5) to debian unstable.

2019-07-09: Upload fractalnow (0.8.2-4) to debian unstable.

2019-07-09: Upload gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel (19-2) to debian unstable.

2019-07-09: Upload powerlevel9k (0.6.7-2) to debian unstable.

2019-07-09: Upload speedtest-cli (2.1.1-2) to debian unstable.

2019-07-11: Upload tetzle (2.1.4+dfsg1-2) to debian unstable.

2019-07-11: Review package hipercontracer (1.4.1-1).

2019-07-15 – 2019-07-28: Attend DebCamp and DebConf!

My DebConf19 mini-report:

There is really too much to write about that happened at DebConf, I hope to get some time and write seperate blog entries on those really soon.

  • Participated in Bursaries BoF, I was chief admin of DebConf bursaries in this cycle. Thanks to everyone who already stepped up to help with next year.
  • Gave a lightning talk titled “Can you install Debian within a lightning talk slot?” where I showed off Calamares on the latest official live media. Spoiler alert: it barely doesn’t fit in the allotted time, something to fix for bullseye!
  • Participated in a panel called “Surprise, you’re a manager!“.
  • Hosted “Debian Live BoF” – we made some improvements for the live images during the buster cycle, but there’s still a lot of work to do so we held a session to cut out our initial work for Debian 11.
  • Got the debbug and missed the day trip, I hope to return to this part of Brazil one day, so much to explore in just the surrounding cities.
  • The talk selection this year was good, there’s a lot that I learned and caught up on that I probably wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t for DebConf. Talks are recorded so (http archive, YouTube). PS: If you find something funny, please link (with time stamp) on the FunnyMoments wiki page (that page is way too bare right now).

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