Author: jonathan


Free Software Activities for 2020-03

DPL Campaign 2020 On the 12th of March, I posted my self-nomination for the Debian Project Leader election. This is the second time I’m running for DPL, and you can read my platform here. The campaign period covered the second...



I just took my dog for a nice long walk. It’s the last walk we’ll be taking for the next 3 weeks, he already starts moping around if we just skip one day of walking, so I’m going to have...


Free Software activities for 2020-02

Belgians This month started off in Belgium for FOSDEM on 1-2 February. I attended FOSDEM in Brussels and wrote a separate blog entry for that. The month ended with Belgians at Tammy and Wouter’s wedding. On Thursday we had Wouter’s...


Initial experiments with the Loongson Pi 2K

Recently, Loongson made some Pi 2K boards available to Debian developers and Aron Xu was kind enough to bring me one to FOSDEM earlier this month. It’s a MIPS64 based board with 2GB RAM, 2 gigabit ethernet cards, an m.2...


Random bits from FOSDEM 2020

On 1-2 February I attended FOSDEM. This is only the second time I’ve attended this annual event in Brussels, and it’s just about as crazy as it was last year with over 8000 attendees and 835 talk/BoF/etc sessions. I did...


Free Software Activities for 2020-01 I spent some time migrating from a Mediadrop instance to a PeerTube instance. Overall, I think it provides a much better user experience and it has some great new features. PeerTube allows federation with other instances (read more...


Free Software Activities (2019-12)

A lot has happened in Debian recently, I wrote seperate blog entries about that but haven’t had the focus to finish them up, maybe I’ll do that later this month. In the meantime, here are some uploads I’ve done during...


Free Software Activities (2019-11)

TL;DR: Mostly a bunch of package sponsoring this month. :) 2019-11-11: Sponsor package python-tempora (1.14.1-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2019-11-11: Sponsor package python-jaraco.functools (2.0-2) for Debian unstable (Python team request). 2019-11-11: Review package fpylll (Needs some more work)...

Table mountain from Blouberg beach 0

Free Software Activities (2019-10)

Bits and pieces AIMS Desktop talk: On the 1st of October I gave a talk at AIMS titled “Why AIMS Desktop?” where I talked about the Debian-based system we use at AIMS, and went into some detail about what Linux...


Calamares Plans for Debian 11

Brief history of Calamares in Debian Before Debian 9 was released, I was preparing a release for a derivative of Debian that was a bit different than other Debian systems I’ve prepared for redistribution before. This was targeted at end-users,...


Free Software Activities (2019-09)

It’s been a busy month on a personal level so there’s a bunch of my Debian projects that have been stagnant this month, I hope to fix that over October/November. Upload sponsoring: This month, when sponsoring package uploads for Debian,...


Free Software Activities (2019-08)

Ah, spring time at last. The last month I caught up a bit with my Debian packaging work after the Buster freeze, release and subsequent DebConf. Still a bit to catch up on (mostly kpmcore and partitionmanager that’s waiting on...


Free Software Activities (2019-07)

Group photo above taken at DebConf19 by Agairs Mahinovs. 2019-07-03: Upload calamares-settings-debian (10.0.20-1) (CVE 2019-13179) to debian unstable. 2019-07-05: Upload calamares-settings-debian (10.0.25-1) to debian unstable. 2019-07-06: Debian Buster Live final ISO testing for release, also attended Cape Town buster release...


My Debian 10 (buster) Report

In the early hours of Sunday morning (my time), Debian 10 (buster) was released. It’s amazing to be a part of an organisation where so many people work so hard to pull together and make something like this happen. Creating...


PeerTube and LBRY

I have many problems with YouTube, who doesn’t these days, right? I’m not going to go into all the nitty gritty of it in this post, but here’s a video from a LBRY advocate that does a good job of...


Free Software Activities (2019-05)

A relatively quiet free software month, I’m feeling the Debian Buster final freeze fatigue for sure. Also dealt with a bunch of personal and work stuff that kept me busy otherwise, and also, haven’t been very good at logging activities...