DebConf 20 Sessions

DebConf20 is happening from 23 August to 29 August. The full is schedule available on the DebConf20 website.
I’m preparing (or helping to prepare) 3 sessions for this DebConf. I wish I had the time for more, but with my current time constraints, even preparing for these sessions took some careful planning!
Bits from the DPL
Time: Aug 24 (Mon): 16:00 UTC.
The traditional DebConf talk from the DPL, where we take a look at the state of the Debian project and where we’re heading. This talk is pre-recorded, but there will be a few minutes after the talk for questions.
Leadership in Debian BOF/Panel
Time: Aug 27 (Thu): 18:00 UTC.
In this session, we will host a panel of people who hold (or who have held) leadership positions within Debian.
We’ll go through a few questions for the panel and then continue with open questions and discussion.
Local Teams
Time: Aug 29 (Sat): 19:00 UTC.
We already have a number of large and very successful Debian Local Groups (Debian France, Debian Brazil and Debian Taiwan, just to name a few), but what can we do to help support upcoming local groups or help spark interest in more parts of the world?
In this BoF, we’ll discuss the possibility of setting up a local group support team or a new delegation that will keep track of local teams, manage budgets and get new local teams bootstrapped.