Tagged: Debconf16


A few impressions of DebConf 16 in Cape Town

DebConf16 Firstly, thanks to everyone who came out and added their own uniqueness and expertise to the pool. The feedback received so far has been very positive and I feel that the few problems we did experience was dealt with very...


Debconf 15 in Heidelberg, Germany

In August (that was 2 months ago, really!?) I attended DebCamp and DebConf in Heidelberg, Germany. This blog post is somewhat belated due to the debbug (flu obtained during DebConf) and all the catching up I had to do since then....


Debconf 2016 to be hosted in Cape Town

Long story short, we put in a bid to host Debconf 16 in Cape Town, and we got it! Back at Debconf 12 (Nicaragua), many people asked me when we’re hosting a Debconf in South Africa. I just laughed and...