Scaleconf Cape Town 2012



Scaleconf Cape Town 2012

Thursday and Friday I attended Scaleconf, a local conference on scaling web services and other things. I really enjoyed the talks that covered the human parts of working with technology and how to improve collaboration, distributed work environments and other issues that are becoming more and more important in the work place.

Special props to Jonathan Hitchcock and Duncan Phillips for organising it, they did a great job and they managed to get an awesome venue with great speakers. They certainly managed to set a high bar for future Scaleconf events.


Here’s a list of the talks. I’ve marked the ones I recommend watching in bold. Videos aren’t available yet, although I’m sure Stefano is working hard at getting them encoded :)

I’ll post a link to the videos once they’ve been made available:

  • Clearly I Have Made Some Bad Decisions by Jonathan Hitchcock
  • Webscaling Tips by Craig Raw
  • Scaling GitHub by Zach Holman
  • Scaling using Amazon Web Services by Miles Ward
  • Nimbula’s bIC: lessons learned and challenges faced by Bryn Divey
  • Highly available infrastructure on the cheap by Deon Erasmus
  • Scaling a mobile social network by Ashley Peter
  • Learning to Fail by Simon de Haan
  • Building Healthy Distributed Systems by Mark Philips
  • Software Architecture and building E-Commerce Websites by Wesly Lynch

Overall I can recommend it and if I happen to be in Cape Town when it’s taking place next year, I’ll certainly be going :)

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