LTSP By The Sea 2011

Last weekend I spent some time with the LTSP folks at the annual LTSP hackfest called “By The Sea” (or BTS for short). This was my second BTS. It was well attended and these were some of the items that were covered:

  • Migration to new NBD
  • Bootable chroots
  • libpam-ssh
  • Epoptis
  • Local window manager
  • Improvements to ltsp-build-client
  • Migrate LDM to GTK+3
  • LDM login speedup
  • Try to do something about the default LDM theme

Other than that it was a great time for LTSP enthusiasts to get together and socialize a bit. For the next few months, the focus is on fixing bugs and getting LTSP in a good shape for when Ubuntu 12.04 LTS arrives, since everything that is done now should be supportable for 5 years. After that there will most likely be some push to move from LDM to LightDM, which will allow us to have much nicer (and more useful) login screens for all kinds of remote sessions. It was great seeing everyone there and I hope to be there again next year!

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