Tagged: Ubuntu


Orphaning bcachefs-tools in Debian

Around a decade ago, I was happy to learn about bcache – a Linux block cache system that implements tiered storage (like a pool of hard disks with SSDs for cache) on Linux. At that stage, ZFS on Linux was...


I am now a Debian Developer

It finally happened On the 6th of April 2017, I finally took the plunge and applied for Debian Developer status. On 1 August, during DebConf in Montréal, my application was approved. If you’re paying attention to the dates you might...


GNOME Shell Extensions in Debian 9.0

About GNOME 3 introduced an extensions framework that allows its users to extend the desktop shell by writing extensions using JavaScript and CSS. It works quite well and dozens of extensions have already been uploaded to the extensions site. Some of...


Debconf 15 in Heidelberg, Germany

In August (that was 2 months ago, really!?) I attended DebCamp and DebConf in Heidelberg, Germany. This blog post is somewhat belated due to the debbug (flu obtained during DebConf) and all the catching up I had to do since then....


Squashfs Performance Testing

Experiments Last week I discovered The Fan Club’s Experiments page. It reminds me of the Debian Experiments community on Google+. I like the concept of trying out all kinds of different things and reporting back to the community on how...


Gnome Panel is Alive

The death of Gnome Panel Gnome Panel (or more properly, gnome-panel) is the main dock that you would see in the Gnome 2 series desktop, and in the Gnome Fallback session (also called Gnome “Classic” in many distributions) in Gnome...


LTSP By The Sea 2012

Last weekend I was in Southwest Harbour, Maine again for the annual LTSP hackfest (called By The Sea). It’s a fun and productive event and as always it’s been good catching up with LTSP folk, even though we were missing...


LTSP By The Sea 2011

Last weekend I spent some time with the LTSP folks at the annual LTSP hackfest called “By The Sea” (or BTS for short). This was my second BTS. It was well attended and these were some of the items that...


On the road again

Some updates form the world of Jonathan… LTSP BTS2011: Yesterday Marc, Stéphane and myself drove down to Southwest Harbour in Maine for the LTSP By The Sea 2011 hackfest. It wasn’t a long road trip, but it’s been fun, we...


Ubuntu Global Jam Montréal

I’m spending my day at the Ubuntu Global Jam in Montréal. What surprised me most is that after all these years, it’s the first global jam I’ve actually attended. Canonical provided the venue and some yummy refreshments. I managed to...


New Edubuntu Wallpaper(s)

Some people seem to just love talking about history. I prefer making it! Here’s something a bit more light to distract you from all the history lessons currently on Planet Ubuntu… Current Edubuntu Wallpaper The current Edubuntu wallpaper has served...


Custom Kernels on Debian

I’ve been running Debian on my laptop for the last two months. Some people were quite surprised about that since I’m such an Ubuntu religious nut and all, but I’ve always liked Debian and running it again have made me...


Fonts in Edubuntu

Every now and again, educators ask me where they can get more fonts for Edubuntu. We include great desktop publishing software (scribus-ng, inkscape, gimp, etc) in Edubuntu, but our default font selection is rather dry and uninspiring. A few weeks...


How do LTSP Fat Clients work?

(Edit 2014-06-29: This entry is now nearly 4 years old, rather please use the LTSP documentation instead as it will be more up to date) What are LTSP Fat Clients anyway‽ Thin clients are a great way to lower initial...