Free Software Activities (2019-10)
Bits and pieces
AIMS Desktop talk: On the 1st of October I gave a talk at AIMS titled “Why AIMS Desktop?” where I talked about the Debian-based system we use at AIMS, and went into some detail about what Linux is, what Debian is, and why it’s used within the AIMS network. I really enjoyed the reaction from the students and a bunch of them are interested in getting involved directly with Debian. I intend to figure out a way to guide them into being productive community members without letting it interfere with their academic program.
Catching up with Martin: On the 12th of October I had lunch with Martin Michlmayr. Earlier this year we were both running for DPL, which was an interesting experience and the last time we met neither of us had any intentions to do so. This was the first time we talked in person since then and it was good reflecting over the last year and we also talked about a bunch of non-Debian stuff.

Activity log
2019-10-08: Upload package bundlewrap (3.7.0-1) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-08: Upload package calamares (3.2.14-1) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-08: Sponsor package python3-fastentrypoints (0.12-2) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-08: Sponsor package python3-cheetah (3.2.4-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-14: Upload package calamares (3.2.15-1) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-14: Upload package kpmcore (4.0.1-1) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-14: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-disconnect-wifi (21-1) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-15: Upload package partitionmanager (4.0.0-1) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-15: Sponsor package python-sabyenc (3.3.6-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-15: Sponsor package python-jaraco.functools (2.0-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-15: Sponsor package python3-gntp (1.0.3-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-15: Review package python3-portend (2.5-1) (Not yet ready) (Python team request).
2019-10-15: Review package python3-tempora (1.14.1) (Net yet ready) (Python team request))
2019-10-15: Upload package python3-flask-silk (0.2-15) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-15: Upload package tuxpaint (0.9.24~git20190922-f7d30d-1~exp2) to Debian experimental.
2019-10-15: Upload package python3-flask-silk (0.2-16) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-16: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-multi-monitors (19-1) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-16: Upload package python3-flask (0.6.2-5) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-16: Sponsor package buildbot (2.4.1-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-16: Signed/sent keys from DebConf19 KSP.
2019-10-17: Publish blog entry “Calamares plans for Debian 11“.
2019-10-17: Upload package kpmcore (4.0.1-2) to Debian unstable (Thanks to Alf Gaida for the merge request with fixes) (Closes: #942522, #942528, #942512).
2019-10-22: Sponsor package membernator (1.1.0-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-22: Sponsor package isbg (2.1.5-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-22: Sponsor package python-pluggy (0.13.0-1) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-22: Sponsor package python-pyqt5chart (5.11.3+dfsg-2) for Debian unstable (Python team request).
2019-10-23: Upload package tetzle (2.1.4+dfsg1-3) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-23: Upload package partitionmanager (4.0.0-2) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-24: Upload package tetzle (2.1.5+dfsg1-1) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-24: Upload package xabacus (8.2.2-1) to Debian unstable.
2019-10-24: Review package (fpylll) (Needs some more work) (Python team request).
2019-10-28: Upload package gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock (25-1) to Debian unstable.