Author: jonathan

Prison ^C 2

Prison ^C

Yesterday I attented the launch of the first tuXlab installed in a prison. This tuXlab has been installed in the womens section at Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town. The second prison tuXlab is due for installation shortly in Malmesbury Prison,...


Linuxworld 2006 – Jo’burg

The past week, I’ve been in Johannesburg to attend the LinuxWorld / Futurex / Equip Expo. Just about all the Linux/OSS exibitioners who were there, were there last year too, although there were much less companies than last year. Many...


Freedom Days

Yesterday was Freedom Day, a national public holiday in South Africa. It’s an anual tribute to our first democratic elections that happened in 1994. It’s also a good time in the year to start thinking about another freedom day that’s...


Easter Egg Hunting

Happy Easter! Time for some easter egg hunting. If you’ve been using Ubuntu for a while, you’ll probably be familiar with these Eggs. Whether you are or not, there’s sure to be many more that haven’t been found. 1. Supercow...


Cake War!

Edubuntu was the first Ubuntu distro to have a cake (thanks to Jane Weideman) in October 2005: Recently, the other Ubuntu distributions followed suite: Ubuntu cake: An attempt from the Germans (aka the Cookiegate scandal): Kubuntu cake: The Edubuntu cake...


Software Freedom Day 2005

Today is Software Freedom Day. Go-Open Source funded the event at Canal Walk in Cape Town. A whole bunch of freaks from CLUG, SLUG, the Shuttleworth Foundation, University Western Cape, City of Cape Town and a few faces from Obsidian...

Edubuntu Summit 5.07 / First trip to London

This weekend I flew up to London, UK, to attend the first Edubuntu summit. SkoleLinux developers, Guadalinux (spanish distro), and other great people like Mark Shuttleworth, Matt Zimmerman, Henrik Omma and Paul Flint (Paul isn’t just great, he’s larger than life!)....


SLUG – 10 Schools – One Day

Today (June 16), we (Shuttleworth Foundation and SLUG (Schools Linux Users’ Group) installed 10 tuXlabs in one day! This is a repeat of the Freedom day / Operation Freetux / U-Day (and other names that the project had) from last...


LinuxWorld 2005 – Jo’burg

This has been an exciting (and tiring) week. I went to Jo’burg for the first time to attend the first ever South-African hosted LinuxWorld. I worked on the LPI/TSF stand, and we took along the Freedom Toaster, which generated huge...