Freedom Days

Yesterday was Freedom Day, a national public holiday in South Africa. It’s an anual tribute to our first democratic elections that happened in 1994. It’s also a good time in the year to start thinking about another freedom day that’s creeping ever closer, and that’s Software Freedom Day. This year it’s taking place on 16 September. This will be the 3rd annual Software Freedom Day, and judging by growth of the event over the previous two events, this one is set to be one to be remembered for a long time.

Today I started with the cleaning up of the South African Software Freedom Day wiki, upgraded to the newest MediaWiki, cleaning wikispam, adding spam filters, etc. A new layout will also follow in the next week or so. Please consider attending an event in your area! If there’s not an event in your area yet, then consider hosting one. There are still billions of people who haven’t yet been introduced to the wonderful world of Free Software.

Since I’m on the topic of Free Software, this week I also received my Free Software Foundation USB Security stick. Since I’m on Ubuntu, I wouldn’t need to compile the software on the disk, I’ll just apt-get them. What is interesting though, is that the only distribution they mention on the stick’s release notes is “The Breezy Badger”, and the mount point they mention is /media/usbdisk. Seems like the guys at FSF are also hooked on Ubuntu!

I also got my Ubuntu stickers from Russell, and people are quite insistant that I give them one. Even my brother, who uses Windows as his main OS, insisted that I give him one. I think we’ll have to order more of them soon :)

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1 Response

  1. Johan says:

    Hi Jonathan, just found your blog, and doing some cath up reading. However, i see this photo with the Ubuntu sticker.
    Hence, could you imagine i’m interested in them!
    Would be great to paste them over those windows stickers everytime i install ubuntu on a box :)
    So, where can i get them, is there a source file availble so i could make them myself?

    Thanks in advance,
    and keep it up!

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