23 000 Linux Desktops for Filipino schools

13 000 Fedora Core desktops and 10 000 Ubuntu desktops will be rolled out in Filipino schools. The 10 000 Ubuntu machines will run a mixture of Edubuntu and Kubuntu, and will form part of the next phase of the roll-out.

For more on this story, read the Computerworld article, which contains some very weird quotes.

I’m quite interested in how they will use these computers to deliver education, what kind of content will be shipped to all the schools and what kind of connectivity they will have. I just hope they make an effort to learn from other deployments like these, and that they contribute their lessons back to the rest of the free software / free education community.

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1 Response

  1. rolando says:

    Dear jonathan,

    In Venezuela we have the chance to do something like this, rigth now I need a Howto to install and the Image for a classmate pc. that was assigned to my, to install Edubuntu base system to evaluate it., Please let me know if you can help me with this.


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