Wheezy Theme Updates
Joy Theme When the Joy theme was picked as the chosen theme for Debian 7.0 (Wheezy), I wanted to do what I could to get as much of it in the archive as possible before the freeze that occurred in June. I’ve...
Joy Theme When the Joy theme was picked as the chosen theme for Debian 7.0 (Wheezy), I wanted to do what I could to get as much of it in the archive as possible before the freeze that occurred in June. I’ve...
Last weekend I spent some time with the LTSP folks at the annual LTSP hackfest called “By The Sea” (or BTS for short). This was my second BTS. It was well attended and these were some of the items that...
Edubuntu at UDS Today we had a session at the Ubuntu Developer Summit at Budapest covering the work in Edubuntu for the next release cycle. Not all of the items are assigned to someone yet (especially with the documentation), so...
Current LDM Theme in Debian LDM is the display manager used on LTSP clients. In Debian, the upstream LTSP theme is used which looks like this: It’s rather bland and outdated since it doesn’t even use the current LTSP logo....