Category: Education


Edubuntu 9.10 is Here

The Return of Edubuntu Edubuntu 9.10 has landed! For the past few releases, it has been an add-on CD to Ubuntu. Our users have have made overwhelming requests for a full-blown installation CD again and we have listened. Edubuntu 9.10...


Edubuntu Karmic Alpha 6 is Real

Yes, it’s true! There is indeed an alpha 6 image for Edubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)! This is the first ever working installation DVD image for Edubuntu. In the beginning, Edubuntu was released on a single CD that shared 95%+ of...

Buh-bye 2006! 3

Buh-bye 2006!

Tomorrow is the last day of 2006. Wow, it’s been a wild ride, and the beginning of the year feels like a lifetime ago. It started out well, the project that I’m most involved with, tuXlab, reached a big milestone...


I’m bringing edgy back

Wow, we did it. Today is the official release date of the tuXlab GNU/Linux distribution. It’s probably the first distribution that can be considered an Edubuntu derivative. It also benefits from other Ubuntu derivatives, Kubuntu and Xubuntu. So why a...


Kids thank (Ed)Ubuntu!

Kids say thank you to (Ed)Ubuntu: “Weve just installed these two donated computers in a community nursury and breakfast/after schol club in Lincolnshire, England. The machines are 600mhz/128mb/4.2gig and they took about 3/4’s of an hour to install and configure...

So long, and thanks for all the fish! 4

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Friday I handed in my resignation letter at the Shuttleworth Foundation. So did 8 other people who work with me. Sounds hectic? Well, it’s all on good terms, and there’s big excitement about it. What’s happening? Well, some of the...


SLUG – 10 Schools – One Day

Today (June 16), we (Shuttleworth Foundation and SLUG (Schools Linux Users’ Group) installed 10 tuXlabs in one day! This is a repeat of the Freedom day / Operation Freetux / U-Day (and other names that the project had) from last...