Tagged: Free Software


10 Games from the Ubuntu Universe

Now and again, I show some new Linux users some of the games that are available for Ubuntu. Many of those times, theres a seasoned Ubuntu user close by, who says that they haven’t seen that before. I decided to...

Buh-bye 2006! 3

Buh-bye 2006!

Tomorrow is the last day of 2006. Wow, it’s been a wild ride, and the beginning of the year feels like a lifetime ago. It started out well, the project that I’m most involved with, tuXlab, reached a big milestone...


I’m bringing edgy back

Wow, we did it. Today is the official release date of the tuXlab GNU/Linux distribution. It’s probably the first distribution that can be considered an Edubuntu derivative. It also benefits from other Ubuntu derivatives, Kubuntu and Xubuntu. So why a...


How not to break Ubuntu upgrades

Many people have had problems upgrading to Ubuntu 6.10. Some people have ranted on Slashdot about it, some people grumbled on the Ubuntu lists. On CLUG, some people have documented their problems with solutions on how to fix an upgrade...


Kids thank (Ed)Ubuntu!

Kids say thank you to (Ed)Ubuntu: “Weve just installed these two donated computers in a community nursury and breakfast/after schol club in Lincolnshire, England. The machines are 600mhz/128mb/4.2gig and they took about 3/4’s of an hour to install and configure...


Software Freedom Day 2006

3 Days after the fact, but when you have lots of work you constantly have to re-prioritise :) The past weekend we celebrated Software Freedom Day in Cape Town. It took place at Khayelitsha, which is one of the poorest...


First Python user group meetup in Cape Town

Today I attended the first ever Cape Town Python Users Group Meeting (CTPUG). I didn’t attend the entire event, which is a pity because I missed a talk on Turbogears, which is possibly not all that bad since I decided...

So long, and thanks for all the fish! 4

So long, and thanks for all the fish!

Friday I handed in my resignation letter at the Shuttleworth Foundation. So did 8 other people who work with me. Sounds hectic? Well, it’s all on good terms, and there’s big excitement about it. What’s happening? Well, some of the...


Ubuntu Developer Summit Paris

I attempted two times before to blog about UDS Paris, but didn’t know where to start, so here’s take 3, trying to keep it simple this time. In short, the summit was great. I met lots of great people there,...

New Kid on the Block 1

New Kid on the Block

I used to be a huge fan of Slackware and SuSE Linux. I loved Slackware for being so heavily oversimplified. And I enjoyed SuSE for all it’s bloat and YaST and all the things that came with it. I used...

Prison ^C 2

Prison ^C

Yesterday I attented the launch of the first tuXlab installed in a prison. This tuXlab has been installed in the womens section at Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town. The second prison tuXlab is due for installation shortly in Malmesbury Prison,...


Linuxworld 2006 – Jo’burg

The past week, I’ve been in Johannesburg to attend the LinuxWorld / Futurex / Equip Expo. Just about all the Linux/OSS exibitioners who were there, were there last year too, although there were much less companies than last year. Many...


Freedom Days

Yesterday was Freedom Day, a national public holiday in South Africa. It’s an anual tribute to our first democratic elections that happened in 1994. It’s also a good time in the year to start thinking about another freedom day that’s...


Easter Egg Hunting

Happy Easter! Time for some easter egg hunting. If you’ve been using Ubuntu for a while, you’ll probably be familiar with these Eggs. Whether you are or not, there’s sure to be many more that haven’t been found. 1. Supercow...


Cake War!

Edubuntu was the first Ubuntu distro to have a cake (thanks to Jane Weideman) in October 2005: Recently, the other Ubuntu distributions followed suite: Ubuntu cake: An attempt from the Germans (aka the Cookiegate scandal): Kubuntu cake: The Edubuntu cake...


Software Freedom Day 2005

Today is Software Freedom Day. Go-Open Source funded the event at Canal Walk in Cape Town. A whole bunch of freaks from CLUG, SLUG, the Shuttleworth Foundation, University Western Cape, City of Cape Town and a few faces from Obsidian...