Tagged: GNOME


Phone upgraded to Debian 12

A long time ago, before the pandemic, I bought a Librem 5 phone from Purism. I also moved home since then, and sadly my phone was sleeping peacefully in a box in the garage since I moved. When I was...


Free Software Activities for 2020-04

Debian project leader This month contained the first week and a half or so of my term as Debian Project Leader. So far my focus has been getting up to speed and keeping the gears turning with day to day...


Random bits from FOSDEM 2020

On 1-2 February I attended FOSDEM. This is only the second time I’ve attended this annual event in Brussels, and it’s just about as crazy as it was last year with over 8000 attendees and 835 talk/BoF/etc sessions. I did...


Help test Debian Live

Introduction During the stretch release period, it became apparent that very few people had been testing Debian Live, and some nasty bugs were discovered only during final release testing. The final stretch images for Debian live wasn’t quite up to...


Plans for DebCamp17

In a few days, I’ll be attending DebCamp17 in Montréal, Canada. Here are a few things I plan to pay attention to: Calamares: My main goal is to get Calamares in a great state for inclusion in the archives, along with...


GNOME Shell Extensions in Debian 9.0

About GNOME 3 introduced an extensions framework that allows its users to extend the desktop shell by writing extensions using JavaScript and CSS. It works quite well and dozens of extensions have already been uploaded to the extensions site. Some of...


Gnome Panel is Alive

The death of Gnome Panel Gnome Panel (or more properly, gnome-panel) is the main dock that you would see in the Gnome 2 series desktop, and in the Gnome Fallback session (also called Gnome “Classic” in many distributions) in Gnome...


Gnome Summit Montréal

A Gnome summit just 2 hours away from where I live? Awesome! A few weeks ago I noticed that the Gnome summit that usually takes place in Boston is happening in Montréal this year!  Being a Gnome user for more...


Edubuntu Maverick News

Close to the end of the Lucid release cycle, I posted an update of what’s been happening in the Edubuntu project. Now seems like a good time to do it again! This release wasn’t as big shake-up as the last...


If you can’t beat ’em…

  Resistance is futile. I made my Ubuntu installation on my Mac Mini look more mac-like :) The dock is provided by Docky, which is a really good dock implementation imho Global menu is provided by gnome-globalmenu (PPA) The Font is...


Renewed enthusiasm for Edubuntu

Renewed Enthusiasm Recently I’ve been wondering if I really want to be involved with Edubuntu or not, I blogged about it, and have been talking to Jordan Mantha about a lot of the issues we have had. I also booked...


More Easter Eggs in Ubuntu

Easter time! I’m going to spend the next few days off-line attending some music festivals (KKNK, KoDV, Cokefest, etc). I kept a list of all the easter eggs I’ve gathered in Ubuntu since the last time I blogged about Ubuntu...