Author: jonathan


Nokia to buy Trolltech

Wow, Nokia is about to acquire Trolltech. Some people might be worried about the future of QT, but in an open letter to the open source community, they state: “… We will continue to actively develop Qt and Qtopia. We...


Free Software Foundation Fundraiser

The Free Software Foundation‘s main source of income is donations, and it’s main source of donations is its membership program. The FSF is currently running a campaign to recruit at least 500 new members. The membership fees start with US$10...


10 More Games from the Ubuntu Universe

Previously, I blogged about 10 games that’s available in the Ubuntu Universe that I found interesting. Since then, the Ubuntu MOTU Games team has merged with the Debian games team, and the amount of packaged games have increased. Here are...


SA Government to standardise on ODF

From Tectonic, the South African government accepts ODF as the document standard. The adoption of ODF (Open Document Format) in our government is indeed great news, and hopefully it will have an effect on other developing countries when decisions like...


Ubuntu turns 3 – Local get-togethers

Today’s release of Ubuntu 7.10, the very popular Debian-based distribution, marks 3 years since Ubuntu made it’s first release in October 2004… and the Ubuntu world is getting ready to celebrate…   We have two Ubuntu 7.10 parties scheduled in...


Microsoft now has 2 Open Source licenses

Via LWN, Microsoft now has 2 approved Open Source licenses. They don’t seem like very Microsoft-like licensed, which tends to be very long winded (then again, the same can be said for some Open Source licenses). The two licenses are:...


IkamvaYouth Telkom Protest – October 12

On Friday the 12th of October, my favourite non-profit organisation will be protesting against Telkom‘s appalling service. The protest takes place on 12 October 2007, from parliament in Plein street, to Telkom’s offices in St George’s mall. I’m incredibly unhappy...


CTWUG Committee Formed

Yesterday, the Cape Town Wireless Users Group (CT-WUG) met and elected our first committee. I’ve only been on the WUG a few months, users connect to high-sites put up on the hills and high buildings, and the high-sites are connected...



Wow. Since June 1991, we’ve seen this in copyright notices in plenty of free software projects: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 And today, that changed to: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 I am...


Geekdinner last night

Last night we had a very enjoyable Geek dinner. Not much left for me to say, I think nbm sums up everything quite nicely. What I will say, is that Antoinne has one of the best evil laughs I’ve ever...


FSF starts new campaign: Play OGG!

In the past, the Free Software Foundation used its funding to fund free software development. More recently, the FSF changed their strategy to fund only critical development, and to use their available funds more for free software campaigns. FSF has...

Ubuntu Developer Summit in Sevilla, Spain 0

Ubuntu Developer Summit in Sevilla, Spain

Ubucon Saturday I went to Ubucon here in Sevilla, and saw Fabian talk about Canonical support, and Jono giving a community talk, “Herding Cats”. Both were quite good, I got them on video, and will upload them as soon as...