Author: jonathan


New Edubuntu Wallpaper(s)

Some people seem to just love talking about history. I prefer making it! Here’s something a bit more light to distract you from all the history lessons currently on Planet Ubuntu… Current Edubuntu Wallpaper The current Edubuntu wallpaper has served...


Debian 6.0 (squeeze) is here!

Debian 6.0 is now released! Freshly baked iso images are on the Debian cdimage server and there are torrents available as well. The whole effort is super-impressive. 693 ISO images that span 11 architectures have been generated and tested. There...


Custom Kernels on Debian

I’ve been running Debian on my laptop for the last two months. Some people were quite surprised about that since I’m such an Ubuntu religious nut and all, but I’ve always liked Debian and running it again have made me...


Edubuntu Live Welcome

Simple Greeter for Live Systems During the last development cycle we launched Edubuntu WebLive, which uses a Drupal module to create remote users on an application server and connect the user via NX. We thought of popping up a web...


How do you find new music?

Losing Touch In a few months I’ll be turning 29. That’s old. I don’t care though, I like growing older. I don’t want to be back in school without money to buy new computers, etc. If you’re doing things right,...


Fonts in Edubuntu

Every now and again, educators ask me where they can get more fonts for Edubuntu. We include great desktop publishing software (scribus-ng, inkscape, gimp, etc) in Edubuntu, but our default font selection is rather dry and uninspiring. A few weeks...


How do LTSP Fat Clients work?

(Edit 2014-06-29: This entry is now nearly 4 years old, rather please use the LTSP documentation instead as it will be more up to date) What are LTSP Fat Clients anyway‽ Thin clients are a great way to lower initial...


The Maverick Meerkat is Here

Ubuntu 10.10 is released! (and so is Edubuntu!) When Mark Shuttleworth suggested at the last UDS that it would be nice to move the release date earlier to match the 10.10.10 date,  a  lot of people wondered whether it could...


Edubuntu Maverick News

Close to the end of the Lucid release cycle, I posted an update of what’s been happening in the Edubuntu project. Now seems like a good time to do it again! This release wasn’t as big shake-up as the last...


If you can’t beat ’em…

  Resistance is futile. I made my Ubuntu installation on my Mac Mini look more mac-like :) The dock is provided by Docky, which is a really good dock implementation imho Global menu is provided by gnome-globalmenu (PPA) The Font is...


Welcome to new Ubuntu members from Debian!

Stefano Zacchiroli became the new Debian Project Leader earlier this year. In my opinion he’s doing quite good at delivering on his promises so far. In particular, I like how he’s reached out to Ubuntu as part of communicating better...



After a long wait for my travel documents I finally arrived in Montréal, Canada on Friday afternoon! Sherbrooke will be my new home from now on. I have lots to say but if I do that now this blog entry...


Ubuntu-ZA Cape Town Lucid Release Party

Saturday I attended the Ubuntu-ZA Stellenbosch/Cape Town release party. I’d say it’s the best one I’ve been to so far. Maia Grotepass (maiatoday) did a great job of organizing the event, providing the venue, organising a real good-looking Ubuntu branded...


Edubuntu 10.04 has arrived

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS has been released, so has Edubuntu 10.04 with other derivatives soon to follow! Thanks to everyone who helped made the Lucid release cycle one of the best ones ever! The logo above is also the new Edubuntu...