Author: jonathan


What’s been happening with Edubuntu?

I don’t blog nearly as much as I’d like to (but more about that in another post), which is why I think it’s about time that I make a catch-up post on what’s been happening in the world of Edubuntu...


Edubuntu Bug Day

Ben Crisford is hosting an Edubuntu bug day on Tuesday, 6 April on #edubuntu and #ubuntu-bugs on freenode. The plan is to triage and squash some of the 330 or so bugs assigned to packages that we include in Edubuntu...


LTSP Cluster Website

For the past few months I’ve been working on the LTSP-Cluster team at Revolution Linux. Today we’re releasing the website so that we can tell the world what we’ve been doing! LTSP-Cluster is a set of tools and plugins for...


Edubuntu Wiki Hug Day

As Scott posted before, the Edubuntu Bug day went quite well last week. This coming Thursday (21 January) we’re doing a Wiki Hug Day to to focus our efforts on fixing things in the Edubuntu wiki namespace, it includes: Fixing...


Edubuntu Project 2.0 Status Update

Edubuntu 2.0 I should really blog about Edubuntu more. The Edubuntu project initially kicked off nicely, but with time as things changed things ended getting somewhat stale. Earlier this year we decided to rebootstrap the project. Edubuntu Project 2.0 is...


Geekdinner Cape Town: Quarrelsome Quince

Last night I attended the Quarrelsome Quince Geekdinner (wow it’s the end of November already!?). It was ok. The talks were good, Adrianna Pinska (aka confluence) did very well on the kareoke slideshow which was titled something like “The Winners...


Ubuntu-ZA Karmic Release Parties

For the Karmic release, Ubuntu-ZA had 4 release parties that took place in Stellenbosch, Cape Town, Pretoria and Brandford, that’s 4 release parties in the country for one release- a new record for our LoCo Team! I attended the Cape...


Guess who’s now a Motu?

Just a few minutes ago, I finally became a MOTU! MOTU is short for Masters of The Universe (which is also the name for the old He-man comics and TV series, if you can remember that) and it’s the team...


Edubuntu 9.10 is Here

The Return of Edubuntu Edubuntu 9.10 has landed! For the past few releases, it has been an add-on CD to Ubuntu. Our users have have made overwhelming requests for a full-blown installation CD again and we have listened. Edubuntu 9.10...


Software Freedom Day 2009

Yesterday was the 6th International Annual Software Freedom Day. I attended the Cape Linux Users Group event at UCT. It was different to all the previous ones we’ve had in that it was a much more geeky event rather than...


Edubuntu Karmic Alpha 6 is Real

Yes, it’s true! There is indeed an alpha 6 image for Edubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala)! This is the first ever working installation DVD image for Edubuntu. In the beginning, Edubuntu was released on a single CD that shared 95%+ of...


Women are not crazy

… or at least, not any more crazy than any other gender. Emacs Virgins I’ve been trying to avoid getting involved in these discussions, but the RMS Female Emacs Virgin “joke” has brought some issues to my attention that I...


Renewed enthusiasm for Edubuntu

Renewed Enthusiasm Recently I’ve been wondering if I really want to be involved with Edubuntu or not, I blogged about it, and have been talking to Jordan Mantha about a lot of the issues we have had. I also booked...


Sun Microsystems Talk on Office Migration

GLUG hosted a talk tonight by Michael E. Bohn from Sun Microsystems on migration. Blurry Phone Pic Michael is a German working in South Africa assisting local government with ODF migration, he’s been involved with since the early...