Author: jonathan

What is dented!?

Recently, when I run into people I haven’t seen in a while, the number one question I’m asked is “What is dented!?” I then wonder for just a split second what they mean and then I realise they’ve seen it...


Ubuntu-ZA Loco Discs Have Arrived

Our Ubuntu-ZA Loco CD’s have arrived, and in record time! Thanks to Canonical for providing these discs to the Loco Teams! This time round we allocated all of the CD’s to our members via our wiki, initially I thought that...


What should become of Edubuntu?

First, A little background. Edubuntu was initially created based on discussions that took place at the first Edubuntu Summit that took place in London in July 2005. The first release of Edubuntu aimed to be a turn-key solution that provided...


Oracle to Buy Sun Microsystems

A few weeks ago, it was common knowledge that IBM was going to aquire Sun Microsystems. That deal has subsequently been canceled and today, Sun Microsystems anounced that they will now be bought out by Oracle. Oracle is a large...


More Easter Eggs in Ubuntu

Easter time! I’m going to spend the next few days off-line attending some music festivals (KKNK, KoDV, Cokefest, etc). I kept a list of all the easter eggs I’ve gathered in Ubuntu since the last time I blogged about Ubuntu...


The correct way to file bugs in Ubuntu

Today I read a post from Matt Zimmerman on the ubuntu-devel list where he says that filing bugs directly to Launchpad is not recommended and not best practice. Instead, Apport should be used whenever possible. Apport assists the user in...


My Father is a Case Modder

A few weeks ago I saw something strange in my father’s garage and asked what it was. He said “Oh! It’s my computer! Have you seen it yet?”. I wondered why it was in the garage and it didn’t look...


Updates from the world of Jonathan

I just haven’t had enough time to blog recently, so here’s a bunch of (seemingly) random stuff all in one post. Cool Christmas Gift Johannes gave me a really cool Christmas gift. In an episode of the IT Crowd, the...


FSF 2008 Fundraiser

New Targets Previously I blogged about the FSF 2007 Fundraiser and some of the cool things you get when you register as a member. The first time they did this, they recruited 300 new members, the second time 500 and...


All you need is ubuntu

Ubuntu Release By now it’s pretty much old news that the new Ubuntu 8.10 has been released. I used my local-only account to sync my mirrors and download all the iso’s. Thanks a million to Andrew Alston from Tenet for...


Android Progress Upsetting to the Old Gaurd

David and Goliath Recently Engadget reported that Steve Ballmer were taking shots at Google’s Android platform during his UK media tour. He said that it looked very “version 1” and that it only has 1 handset maker and 1 provider,...


Political Tendencies

The Stereotype Recently, Jordan Mantha blogged about being excited about Palin joining McCain‘s campaign. Some of the comments were quite harsh, some even suggesting that it’s wrong to support the Republicans, being a free software developer and affiated with the...


MOTU Journey Update

A bit more than a week ago I learned how to generate debdiffs. I wish I knew how to do it earlier, since it’s incredibly easy, and very empowering. Previously, when working on bugs on Launchpad, all I could really...


Hardy is here

Today sees the release of the awesome Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, Hardy Heron. In South Africa, our loco-team (Ubuntu-ZA) will be celebrating its release this coming Saturday. Johannesburg is finally catching up to Cape Town, and is also having a release...


Sun Acquiring Innotek (Virtualbox)

From Tectonic, I read that Sun Microsystems is in the process of acquiring Innotek, makers of Virtualbox. Virtualbox is a relatively new free virtualisation suite that compares well to many of the proprietary virtualisation suites. This comes just a month...