Wheezy Theme Updates
Joy Theme When the Joy theme was picked as the chosen theme for Debian 7.0 (Wheezy), I wanted to do what I could to get as much of it in the archive as possible before the freeze that occurred in June. I’ve...
Joy Theme When the Joy theme was picked as the chosen theme for Debian 7.0 (Wheezy), I wanted to do what I could to get as much of it in the archive as possible before the freeze that occurred in June. I’ve...
It’s the last day of Debconf 12 in Managua, it’s the first ever Debconf I’ve attended and it has been just awesome. There’s so much I could talk about and it would take forever to put down, but here’s...
After wanting to attend Debconf for so long, things finally got real. No visa issues this time (Nicaragua is nice like that), tickets are booked… everything is ready! I’m excited to finally be able to attend one of these and...
A Gnome summit just 2 hours away from where I live? Awesome! A few weeks ago I noticed that the Gnome summit that usually takes place in Boston is happening in Montréal this year! Being a Gnome user for more...
Current LDM Theme in Debian LDM is the display manager used on LTSP clients. In Debian, the upstream LTSP theme is used which looks like this: It’s rather bland and outdated since it doesn’t even use the current LTSP logo....
Some people seem to just love talking about history. I prefer making it! Here’s something a bit more light to distract you from all the history lessons currently on Planet Ubuntu… Current Edubuntu Wallpaper The current Edubuntu wallpaper has served...
Debian 6.0 is now released! Freshly baked iso images are on the Debian cdimage server and there are torrents available as well. The whole effort is super-impressive. 693 ISO images that span 11 architectures have been generated and tested. There...
I’ve been running Debian on my laptop for the last two months. Some people were quite surprised about that since I’m such an Ubuntu religious nut and all, but I’ve always liked Debian and running it again have made me...
Stefano Zacchiroli became the new Debian Project Leader earlier this year. In my opinion he’s doing quite good at delivering on his promises so far. In particular, I like how he’s reached out to Ubuntu as part of communicating better...
Just a few minutes ago, I finally became a MOTU! MOTU is short for Masters of The Universe (which is also the name for the old He-man comics and TV series, if you can remember that) and it’s the team...
I just haven’t had enough time to blog recently, so here’s a bunch of (seemingly) random stuff all in one post. Cool Christmas Gift Johannes gave me a really cool Christmas gift. In an episode of the IT Crowd, the...
Today’s release of Ubuntu 7.10, the very popular Debian-based distribution, marks 3 years since Ubuntu made it’s first release in October 2004… and the Ubuntu world is getting ready to celebrate… We have two Ubuntu 7.10 parties scheduled in...
Found some real good news via Slashdot this morning, Russia will have a locally built Linux distribution, called “Russian OS”, installed in every school in the country by 2009. It doesn’t seem that they’ve chosen on which distribution this will...
How often can you say “Today they released a new version of Debian GNU/linux” (and tell the truth)? Well, not that often, and certainly not as often as in the Ubuntu world. Today is one of those days, the Debian...
I used to be a huge fan of Slackware and SuSE Linux. I loved Slackware for being so heavily oversimplified. And I enjoyed SuSE for all it’s bloat and YaST and all the things that came with it. I used...